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Welcome to YCH Our brand name i-Sparking means "Innovation" and "Sparks," symbolizing our commitment to product innovation that exceeds customer expectations and ignites sparks.

With our professional team and outstanding products and services, we aim to infuse new energy into the bicycle industry, delivering fresh riding experiences to cycling enthusiasts.

What's New?

"DR.CANE" New Brand

YCH Launching A New Brand Category "DR.CANE"

Medica 2016 in Düsseldorf

It's our great honor to meet you at the Medica 2016 in Düsseldorf, Germany, from 14th Nov. to 17th N

Rehacare 2016

It's our great honor to meet you at the Rehacare Exhilition 2016 in Düsseldorf, Germany, from 28th S

Int. Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhilition 2015

It's our great honor to meet you at the HCR Exhilition 2015.